Cryogenic Fluid Management (Part 1)

Cryogenic Fluid Management (Part 1)

NOTE: The reference report used for the course and videos can be accessed online or in paperback format. It is recommended to have the online or paperback version of the report open while watching the videos to facilitate immediate study and practice of the topics covered. Details can be found on the Training page at

This set of videos is from a half-day short course taught virtually by Matt Moran at the 2022 NASA Thermal and Fluid Analysis Workshop (TFAWS). The short course covers passive cryogenic fluid management (CFM) insights, methods, equations, and algorithms suitable for performing system designs and trades. The content and cited sources contain no confidential nor proprietary information to enable the widest possible dissemination to engineers, designers, analysts, managers, and others who are developing or operating passive CFM systems.

Topics covered are based on cryogenic systems subject matter expertise at Moran Innovation LLC that has been developed over the past 35 years. Online and other published sources in the public domain are used to the greatest extent practicable. All content and calculations in these vidoes are equally applicable to hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, or any other cryogenic fluid. An attempt has been made to address the most common passive CFM technologies, systems, and operations.

Cryogenic Fluid Management (Part 1)